User Cloud and virtualized servers, including containers, to ensure that business services maintain during planned and unplanned events.
Redeploy your mainframe applications
Continuous Operations
User Cloud and virtualized servers, including containers, to ensure that business services maintain during planned and unplanned events.
Flexible deployment to Linux®, Windows®, Unix® on virtual, containers, or hybrid cloud.
Reliable, available and serviceable with the ability to scale on demand.
Provide Observability of Applications
OpenTelemetry provides observability of Enterprise Suite applications by collecting telemetry data. Technical preview available in 10.0.
Improve monitoring with an industry-standard protocol for easier troubleshooting and diagnostics.
Quickly identify performance bottlenecks.
Consume emitted information with standard tools.
Modernize security to address current threats while reusing established mainframe authentication and authorization security rules.
Comprehensive security integrated with leading Multi Factor Authentication.
Control resource access based on job function and individual requirements.
Mainframe Compatible
Support for COBOL and PL/I including applications that require compatibility with IBM® CICS®, IMS TM, JES2®, IMS DB and VSAM.
Simplifies re-platforming and enables rapid return on investment.
Continue to take advantage of the investment in your mainframe applications.
Increase flexibility
Move or replicate mainframe workloads to new platforms.
Improve execution time
Take advantage of modern, distributed, and lower-cost processors.
Maximize your IT budget
Reduce operational budgets to increase investment in new initiatives.