Rocket® SmartTest

Optimize development and performance for your mainframe applications

SmartTest enables users to quickly pinpoint the source of any problem and access logic paths and data elements required for testing

Besides resolving the single problem at hand, SmartTest allows you to explore the various execution paths of the program and identify other ways a similar problem could occur. This means that all instantations of a problem are fixed in one test session, thereby rapidly increasing application quality and reducing future errors. 

With SmartTest you can:

  • Explore all execution paths and reveal all data relationships for complete program understanding
  • Provide unique improvements in root cause analysis for production abends
  • Ensure modified areas of programs have been thoroughly tested before going into production
  • Accelerate the return of critical applications to production by locating and identifying logic and data errors
  • Test CICS transactions started from the Internet
  • Support synchronous and asynchronous transactions
  • Provide COBOL and PL/I intelligent find facility
  • Feature environment-sensitive, test setup wizards
  • Provide intelligent abend analysis in conjunction with SmartScope using the Fault Analyzer option