Rocket® iCluster® HA Assist

Business continuity and high availability software for IBM® Power® & PureFlex systems.

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As part of the Rocket iCluster suite of high availability solutions, Rocket iCluster HA Assist was designed specifically for the high-availability (HA) environment. Complementing IBM® PowerHA®, SystemMirror®, Rocket iCluster HA Assist enables continual access through monitoring, sync, notification, and self-correcting replication issues.

Flexible and scalable HA/DR, for smoother operations

With iCluster HA Assist, you always know your recovery point and recovery time for HA. In the PowerHA environment, the iCluster HA Assist high availability solution can be used to replicate objects that cannot be stored on an IASP or must reside in *SYSBASE. If you already have PowerHA installed, you should choose HA Assist when selecting an iCluster solution.

Application downtime can cost your organization substantial time and resources. iCluster HA Assist sync check capabilities are always active and provide immediately visible results of file contents and authority repairs immediately.

iCluster HA Assist is easy to manage, administer, and switch. Changes, additions, or deletions are mirrored in near real-time to the backup system with concurrent access to read-only business applications. Flexible administration, such as user-defined notifications and alerts, allows you to take care of issues as they happen, making you proactive instead of reactive.

iCluster HA Assist ensures HA through:
  • Role swapping (fully or partially automated)
  • High-performant synchronization checking of file attributes, file contents, IFS attributes, object existence, data area contents, and output queues
  • Monitoring and configuration via green screen or a modern Web UI
  • Automatic resynchronization of out-of-sync objects

The automatic configuration command, and the ability of iCluster HA Assist to configure once on the source and then push it out to the backup system, ensures that your business is up and running much faster with HA.

With extremely high-speed replication capabilities, iCluster HA Assist high availability solutions automatically scales to handle the size of your business and its transactional volumes. Replication minimizes the time required for a switch and enables resynchronizations after network outages.



Rocket iCluster HA Assist Datasheet


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